Monday, November 12, 2018

Ceramic Vocabulary

Interesting note about ostracons. The word is ancient Greek and is connected to the word ostracize. When the Greeks were first developing democracy as a form of government there were 10 tribes on the council. Each tribe sent 50 people to represent them on the council. However, if people didn't like a member of the council then they needed 6000 votes to get them banished from Athens for 10 years. They voted by writing the names on potsherds or ostracons. This is the origin of the word ostracize.

Source: Gregory S. Aldrete, Ph.D. 2011. Courses The History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective. The Teaching Company
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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Ancient Egyptian Art: Old Kingdom

Ancient Egyptian Art: New Kingdom

Amarna Art further reading

Ancient Egyptian Art: Middle Kingdom

The story of Horus fighting his uncle Set is a thrilling tale!

Further reading

Monday, September 24, 2018

Rock, Cave and Land Art

My first doodle is of the Ubirr rock painting from Australia. It is one of the oldest
known art works in history.